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Elena Vorobieva-Letina
"Ecce homo" 2020
collage: white plastic silhouettes, linen canvas, paper.

Art is a dialog! It the dialog possible without an interest?
Am I an Ecco homo or just a colorless grey siluet for you?
Are you ready to make a stop and open a world full of people's amazing stories, emotions and impressions?
Do you want to be just a stranger for me , or are you ready to risk and become Ecce homo?
Ecce homo is a part of us! A picture can open an interesting people stories for us. No matter the religion, sex, skin colour or sexual orientation...In order to open The Saint Graal, we need to put tohether the golden keys of attention, humanity, responsiveness, true interest, understanding and acceptance. "Ecco homo" picture is a call for us not to through its golden keys away!
To live the full life by giving and accepting neighbours Ecco homo, make the art perfect.

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